Simpson Wood’s 2021 Golf Day
Simpson Wood’s First Golf Day took place at Woodsome Hall on Thursday 10th June. We had 32 competitors in teams of four playing for team and individual prizes. A fabulous day was had by all and we would like to thank Woodsome and in particular Rick and Will for their exceptional quality and service on the day.
The event was such a resounding success that whilst social media contained pictures of the teams and play up until 3.00pm when we got to the meal and prize presentation we forgot to capture and share the moment!!!
Fortunately one of our guests, Conor McPherson of Elevate Creative UK had the foresight to capture the presentation and atmosphere within the courtyard and some pictures are attached with the results as follows;
Nearest the pin (10th hole) – Mike Dyson
Longest drive (14th hole) – Jamie Miller
Best 9 holes individual score – Paul Carter
Best overall individual score – Robert Turner
Second Prize Team Competition – Mark Fielding, Rosie Carr, David Wimpenny and Glenn Paxman
First Prize Team Competition – Roger Ray, Robert Turner, Paul Radcliffe and Phil Booth
Thank you to all who played, it was great to see you all and to enjoy the best corporate golf day 2021 has provided to date – we will be doing it again!!!
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