Buisness Response To General Election On 8th June
In response to the announcement of a General Election on 8 June Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI Director-General, said:
‘With a snap General Election now called, businesses will be looking to each political party to set out their plans to support economic stability and prosperity over the next Parliament in a way that is fair and sustainable for communities across the UK. ‘Distraction from the urgent priorities of seeking the best EU deal and improving UK productivity must be kept to a minimum.’
‘Firms will want to hear commitments from all parties to work in close partnership with business and back a new Industrial Strategy to make the UK economy the most competitive in the world by 2030.’
‘It is essential to get the UK’s foundations right, from building a skills base for the next generation, to investing in infrastructure, energy and delivering a pro-enterprise tax environment.’
‘As EU negotiations now get underway, firms are clear about the serious risks of failing to secure a deal and falling into World Trade Organisation rules. It is vital that negotiators secure some early wins and all parties should commit to working to ensure businesses can continue to trade easily with our EU neighbours, while seeking new opportunities around the world.’
‘Whoever forms the next Government, they should seek to build a partnership between business and government that is the best in the world, based on trust and shared interest.’
Internet link: CBI News
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